The final, the last, the goodbye... for now. :)

Hello everyone, well, like all the things, the blog is ending. This is the last entrance for this semester and we are writing about our experience. I enjoy this exercise because it a form to improve our reading/writing in other language, at the same time we know a little about our partners tastes and thinking. One of the post that I enjoyed most was the one about a person that I had liked to know, It makes me thing in a little few thing that were important to me; at the same time it makes me come back to some music that I has forgot. In general I enjoy all my classmates’ blogs, because it’s fun to know little things about persons, I really enjoy that, I like to know how did the people thing in the most simple things, because sometimes we discover tastes or experience in common, and we learn about the diversity that we are surrounded. I thing that the blog it’s a really good idea for the language learning, because forces us to thing in the way to say the things that we want to express, and pushes us to find new words and forms to say things. Well friends, has been a placer, but we have to say good bye!


I left you all an end song, i hope you like it.

The most absorbing serie ever

I remember the first generation of Pokémon, I enjoyed a lot that serie, I think almost all the world know about it, a young guy called Ash Ketchum who finally decides to be a Pokémon master and decides leave their home whit the north of win the Pokémon Leage, basically that in the first season, after that first season the serie doesn’t change very much but expanding the list of pokémons and adding more Pokémon Leagues, or rather the same thing in essence. Every ones see it or know about it in Chile but not everyone has the opportunity of see it the first time that was presented on TV in Chile and Latin-America through Cartoon Network and CHV; I play whit my friends at the school seeing who of us knew more pokémons, and I was a loyal player of their trading cards game, uy also enjoyed a lot the pokémons games for gameboy, the first I played was Pokémon Yellow, oh so many ours spended. I enjoyed so much because I loved the history and the magic world that represent, and when the cards came out I enjoyed much more because it was like you were some king of trainer and you can match whit other boys. So dears, I remember this serie whit a lot of love, because occupied a lot of my free time in my childhood (and even now sometimes u_u).

An unforgettable travel

One of my best travels I ever has been to Chiloe, in the summer of 2007. I did it whit 3 friends more and at the beginning I think no one of us know what was awaiting for us. We pass through the entire island backpacking and hitch hiking, and we stay on different campings and places; but the best was at the final, one guy told us about a new park that recently have been opened their doors in that year called Tantauco park… so we go there:  6 days walking through the park from the first check point to Inio town.  

I thank that we were to die that day jajaja, we had difficult to get water the entire final day, we had to eat Nalca, a plant full of water that grow in the entire south of Chile. But finally we arrive to the final. It was amazing first because was a mental strong test, and second because I pass though wonderful places like forest and coasts. 

Here I am crossing a river, some parts where a little extreme (if only we realize before that the bridge was 100m to the north)

We come back to Quellón in a boat after 6 hour of navigation, and we had the possibility of see a whale. Whit my friend always we always remember that travel. 

We had some difficulties in the park, but we knew how to resolve them jajaja

Tame Impala's Solitud is a Bliss

Solitude is a Bliss it’s the song number six of the debut album Innerspeaker of the Australian band Tame Impala, that released the album in 2010, I hear it the same week of release because I work in a library and one of my avocation it’s to read the Pitchfork site, who made a review of their album. The song it’s on my top 5 songs that I would lead to a desert island. Maybe my readers have realized that from this song and album are the name and title of my blog. I thing it’s simply amazing, and have pass a few time that a band doesn’t surprise me like this band did. The video it’s a great creation too and talk (whit the song) about how a man have to pass through adverse situation after a crisis. I think this is a “must hear” song, so I recommend to take a moment, and put your ear to listen it!

Lets go to Bellavista

I definitely recommend Barrio Bellavista, cheap food and cheap beer. That makes it one of the best places in the world jajaja, it have locals too all the tastes and budgets, but I prefer the cheapest ones. It is in the center of Santiago in principally in the street of Pio Nono and around. It a bohemian sector of the capital, and sometime a little decadent, I think the best mojitos are in there in a local called Tres Gardenias, so if anyone want to drink mojitos and hear live troubadours, that is the place. I really like the youth ambient, nice noisy sound of the streets, the cheap beer and the joyful ambient; I was there the last Friday, and was nice like ever.

Our prophet Zarathustra

Hi my dears, today im writing about a book that mark a before and after in my life. Im talking about  Also sprach Zarathustra or Thus Spoke Zarathustra, or Así habló Zaratustra, of the german philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.  Nietzsche was a big personality of the XIX century, he was an awesome philosopher and all their books are an important contribution to the history of western philosophy. In this book in particular, he presents central ideas of their philosophy presented trough Zarathustra, a prophet that descend of the mountain, ideas like the "eternal recurrence of the same", the parable on the "death of God", and the "prophecy" of the Übermensch, the Superman: a man creator of moral. This was the second book of Nietzsche that I read when I was beginning my first year of my studies in philosophy at the university; my first book of him was The Antichrist that I read when I was ending secondary, I liked a lot, hence the next book I took of philosophy was that.  The book was revealing, deep and at the same time agile. Many times I took the book and returned to read it, finding new things that I have passed, some times when I feel no energy I took it and read some random part. It contains crucial ideas for me, principally the idea of the dead of God that open the space for a man responsible of their acts, and aware of their own; open the idea of a creative moral that permits a joyful existence, opposed to the moral of suffering of Christianity, that I believe are so important to transform the world in something better. 

Ian, do you wan a beer?

Good evenings friends, today I’m going to write about a very important guy in the music history (for me almost) and he’s someone who I really would have liked to meet. I’m talking about Ian Curtis. He’s the main singer of the dead band Joy Division, active between 1976 and 1980, four year that change the history of the music, influencing a lots of bands till now, after that year when Curtis committed suicide, they form New Order, a good band whit sounds a little more happy than Joy Division. Ian Curtis has a very particular personality, he was depressed because suffer an epilepsy, and I like to think that along that, he was an incredible sensible person. We could have talked about music, maybe philosophy and pessimism; I have the belief that pessimism sometimes can save depressed souls trough their conception of the world and moral, maybe, only maybe, he doesn’t have finished killing himself, we could have talked about cinema too, and I could have been the official photographer of the band jajaja. I really like the movie that was filmed about the life of Ian and his band called Control, exist another movie whit an apparition of the band called 24 hours party people, I love that film too but it was focused in the history of Factory Records, an independent record label. So, it really gives me nostalgic to thing that awesome persons have took their own life like Kurt Cobain, Mark Linkous, Nick Drake and Ian Curtis.

I left you one of my favourite songs ever.

London Calling: Wax museum Madame Tussauds

In the London Quest one of the place that most called my attention was de wax museum of London, called Madame Tussauds, who was their founder, a very illustrate woman and artist, icon of the period of the French Revolution. The museum it’s in London, two minutes’ walk from Baker Street tube station. The cost to get in its £30.00, and you have the possibility to get a discount of 25% buying the ticket on internet. In the museum you can see representations in wax of big personalities of the world and from all the times. I really like to visit the museum; first because I have never been in a wax museum, I believe there’s not one in Chile, and second because it has a really fancy history his founder, Madame Tussauds.

A celebration: Happy New Year 2013!

Hi everybody, today I’m going to tell you about a celebration that I went whit my girlfriend and a couple of friends. It was the final week of 2012, and we took borrow my father’s car, so we went to the coast, to a place called Islote Las Gaviotas, a camping in the region of Valparaiso; we mount our tents and the same night we arrived we had a nice celebration that lasted the whole week between beers and baths in the little beach, till the 31 of December, the night of the new year; that night we drank the world, we sing, and make a big fire waiting the 12 o’clock, whit the rest of people that was in the camping, they comes from different places of Chile, and there was a group of French people too, that spoke a very rough spanish . When the clock match the indicated hour, we all hugged each other’s and we hear the sound of the fireworks of the city of Valparaiso… we drank till the sunrise, the headache the next day it’s something I still remember. We were one more day that we rested all of it. Then we had to come back to the city; I hope to come back to Islote las Gaviotas someday.