A holiday week

Hi hi, new week new post.
Sincerely this celebrations doesn’t call too much my attention; for me are simply a good excuse to drink heroic quantities of alcohol and eat like a beast… ok doesn’t sound boring, but anyway for me the weekends are enough excuses for that. So in that context I haven’t plans for this week, and I’m doing like that many years ago. 

I don’t remember any specific celebration, but I can remember that whit some friends we use to go to an “Antifonda” generally whit punk music and vegan food, some years we pass for “Sacco and Vanzetti’s” an occupied house that we used to use to hold social reunions and other things; this house doesn’t exist anymore.

 This was the "Okupa", good music, good people walked here.

Some years I travel, taking advantage of the mini vacations. The last year I went to Valparaiso whit my girlfriend, it was a very nice mini holiday. We paid a very nice room in a hostel called “Polanco” one block ahead Plaza Victoria, a patrimonial building that was in the centre of the city, a nice and quiet place. We walked a lot, took a lot of pictures and drink in different places. Maybe this has been the most special evening of Fiestas Patrias that I have live.

 This is the same room

For this year I hope to rest and read a lot :D
Happy week for everyone!

Hi again! we come back, a new semester begans

Hi everyone, this is the first post of this new semester and I hope the final one (I wish the best to my classmate, I hope all of us pass the course).
This first post it will be about my expectative to the rest of the year: first, I hope to pass all and well. Second I hope to find a part-time job, whit this I expect to pay my vacations and other stuffs, once the summer arrives I’m going to see where to go, I also (if the job permits me) need to find a new camera because I sold mine to paid a lens, and I’m using my girlfriend’s camera . The next month comes Tame Impala and I’m going to see them whit two friends. Anyway I think this can be a very good year in general, I don’t see any problematic thing coming so, if the destiny doesn’t hate me, It MUST be a good semester and a good year, so I have been put all my optimism in for this time to give the best of me to make it good. So this is all for now, I can´t thing enough in the mornings, see you the next week.