The most absorbing serie ever

I remember the first generation of Pokémon, I enjoyed a lot that serie, I think almost all the world know about it, a young guy called Ash Ketchum who finally decides to be a Pokémon master and decides leave their home whit the north of win the Pokémon Leage, basically that in the first season, after that first season the serie doesn’t change very much but expanding the list of pokémons and adding more Pokémon Leagues, or rather the same thing in essence. Every ones see it or know about it in Chile but not everyone has the opportunity of see it the first time that was presented on TV in Chile and Latin-America through Cartoon Network and CHV; I play whit my friends at the school seeing who of us knew more pokémons, and I was a loyal player of their trading cards game, uy also enjoyed a lot the pokémons games for gameboy, the first I played was Pokémon Yellow, oh so many ours spended. I enjoyed so much because I loved the history and the magic world that represent, and when the cards came out I enjoyed much more because it was like you were some king of trainer and you can match whit other boys. So dears, I remember this serie whit a lot of love, because occupied a lot of my free time in my childhood (and even now sometimes u_u).

1 comentario:

  1. Pokemon was cool until the pokemons like blaziken and triko, etc, after that, all kind of pokemons become very gay.

    When I was a child I played Yu-gi-oh trading card game, but pokemon's card was good to haha

    see ya!
