A celebration: Happy New Year 2013!

Hi everybody, today I’m going to tell you about a celebration that I went whit my girlfriend and a couple of friends. It was the final week of 2012, and we took borrow my father’s car, so we went to the coast, to a place called Islote Las Gaviotas, a camping in the region of Valparaiso; we mount our tents and the same night we arrived we had a nice celebration that lasted the whole week between beers and baths in the little beach, till the 31 of December, the night of the new year; that night we drank the world, we sing, and make a big fire waiting the 12 o’clock, whit the rest of people that was in the camping, they comes from different places of Chile, and there was a group of French people too, that spoke a very rough spanish . When the clock match the indicated hour, we all hugged each other’s and we hear the sound of the fireworks of the city of Valparaiso… we drank till the sunrise, the headache the next day it’s something I still remember. We were one more day that we rested all of it. Then we had to come back to the city; I hope to come back to Islote las Gaviotas someday.

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