My two BBF

I present to you a history my best friends: their names are, Gustavo and Juan AKA Rogelio. I meet them in the school when I was in 10° grade. Both of them fails at pass the year in the school and fell in my class. Every weekend I see them; we drink beer, cook and see some series or movies. It’s almost a tradition to meet us the weekends. They have a very acid kind of humor; we share that, and maybe a little nihilistic vision of life too. We have pass a lot of time together along the years, that has performed a very strong friendship, even the mother of Gustavo says that we are their unrecognized sons. We call Rogelio to Juan because a Axe Dancer of a TV program. We pass a lot of time in the house of Gustavo, his mother its really like our uncle or stepmother jajaja. I hope we can keep that friendship a lot of years more.

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