My two BBF

I present to you a history my best friends: their names are, Gustavo and Juan AKA Rogelio. I meet them in the school when I was in 10° grade. Both of them fails at pass the year in the school and fell in my class. Every weekend I see them; we drink beer, cook and see some series or movies. It’s almost a tradition to meet us the weekends. They have a very acid kind of humor; we share that, and maybe a little nihilistic vision of life too. We have pass a lot of time together along the years, that has performed a very strong friendship, even the mother of Gustavo says that we are their unrecognized sons. We call Rogelio to Juan because a Axe Dancer of a TV program. We pass a lot of time in the house of Gustavo, his mother its really like our uncle or stepmother jajaja. I hope we can keep that friendship a lot of years more.

Le Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval

Hi everyone. Today I’m gonna talk about a incredible building; was made by a post man along his life. He took 33 year for build it. But a lot a people made his own house, that not the main idea. The special of this building is that is a monument to the dreams and ideas of a man, and a powerful representation of the man soul and dreams. Ferdinand Cheval was the name of this man that walked alone 34 km for day doing his job. Every day he grabbed stones and puts it in the building that took form whit the pass of the years. People of town thought that he was crazy, obviously, but whit the time, he see the importance of the creation. One of the walls says “1879-1912. 10000 días, 93000 horas, 33 años de sacrificios. Si hay alguien más obstinado que yo, que se ponga a trabajar” (1979-1912. 10000 Days, 93000 hours, 33 years of sacrifice. If there is anybody more obstinate than me, put it to work). Actually the building it’s an heritage place. I see this building for fist time when I worked in a thematic architecture library. You are invited to read more of this oneiric place, and hislovely history.

A little story of a pic

One of my favorite pics is this that I took in Caleta Tortel last summer. It’s a Dragonfly, a copulating Dragonfly! I love the name of this insect, it’s so little but we can thing in a dragon. I was walking along a wood bridge when I meet this lovely mates, it’s strange to catch this kind of moments in the nature. Whit my girlfriend we were very amused and we took a lot of time catching in photo the couple. This kind of pictures I really like so, this one specifically I like a lot. I don’t have big lucky catching animals in photography, I never cross whit moments like this, I think maybe I must do an effort and spend more time walking seeing the little things. In my next journey maybe I’m going to take a special time to take this kind of pictures. 

Bye bye my friends!


Today I’m going to write about a few concerts and exhibitions that I went. First I must name one that was about five years, but was the best concert ever (for me), it was when Nine Inch Nails visits Chile in 2008, were I went whit a group of friends.  It was a very big concert and the put in scene of Trent Reznor, the main vocal, was amazing; to that include the incredible lights and leds that they put in the stage. Before I went to see Deftones (RIP Chi Cheng), Placebo, The Mars Volta, and others less importants. Every now and then I go to hear some local punk (generically talking) bands in under places like Bar Uno, bands like Gangrena Surf, Niño Simbol Oohhh! or Marcel Duchamp.  I’m going to left you a pic of Nunca Fuimos Heores (We never been heroes), I friend of mine plays there.  I took it the last year, the band no longer exist u_u...
so, bye bye!.

A journey:

Last summer i went to the chilean Patagonia in the region of Aysen, I travel from Coyhaique to Caleta Tortel backpacking, was a very nice trip and i knew a lot of people. For example Mr. Marcelo, he lives in Tortel and don’t know his real name, but anyway everybody call him in that way. He told us that in their youth was a pirate, and surfed in his boat stealing things; he also steals sheeps from the Argentinian shepherds, and once kills a lion (puma). I don’t know if that’s the true but he haves fun stories; one of the most interesting things to me it’s to know people in my travels, local people always have things and histories to narrate to the travelers.
To the people that pass and read the blog I left you a pic of Capillas de Marmol, in Puerto Tranquilo, Aysen, Chile. Greetings. (