Le Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval

Hi everyone. Today I’m gonna talk about a incredible building; was made by a post man along his life. He took 33 year for build it. But a lot a people made his own house, that not the main idea. The special of this building is that is a monument to the dreams and ideas of a man, and a powerful representation of the man soul and dreams. Ferdinand Cheval was the name of this man that walked alone 34 km for day doing his job. Every day he grabbed stones and puts it in the building that took form whit the pass of the years. People of town thought that he was crazy, obviously, but whit the time, he see the importance of the creation. One of the walls says “1879-1912. 10000 días, 93000 horas, 33 años de sacrificios. Si hay alguien más obstinado que yo, que se ponga a trabajar” (1979-1912. 10000 Days, 93000 hours, 33 years of sacrifice. If there is anybody more obstinate than me, put it to work). Actually the building it’s an heritage place. I see this building for fist time when I worked in a thematic architecture library. You are invited to read more of this oneiric place, and hislovely history.

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