The Future

When I was a little boy a thought I will be an informatics programmer, something like a hacker, I think that was because I love the movies of cyberpunks and hackers, and anything that were a dystopic future; I remember the horror of the movies like The Lawnmower Man, it was focused in the dangers of the technology, other movie that I remember whit special feelings its Cyborg and Blade Runner; so I was very influenced in my vision of the future by movies like that, I tough the future itself will be apocalyptic, I still believe a little that. Anyway, according the time was running, I decided to study philosophy, but that doesn’t end well. Now I think it will be a triumph to end the career and be a Geographer, I hope to find a job in a good institution, and travel a lot, maybe live in the south, I really like the south of Chile, I think that live in Coyhaique or Punta Arenas will be a very successful future for me, and whit that I’m going to be happy. But one never knows what the future want from us, so I really like to travel, if I can travel enough I thing I will be happy in any thing that I could do. I actually don’t think in children because I don’t think that the world is going to improve, maybe if I see positive changes in the world I could imagine a life whit a child.

 Blade Runner's City


When the earthquake arrives I was on whit an ex-girlfriend in a place called Bullileo, it’s an artificial lagoon, a reservoir for watering that is near Parral, in Maule. I was sleeping in my tent, when suddenly woke up whit the move and the noise of the earthquake, it sounds like cracking rocks and falling crystals breaking. We were very afraid because we were at the bottom of the reservoir, and we tough that the wall that support the reservoir can be broken.  So we wake up and put us the shoes for walk along the yard while the earth was still moving. We meet other people and they said us that nothing happened to the reservoir, so we were to sleep. At the other day, we meet whit the local police group, so we can call our fathers, and they told us how was the earthquake in the city; mi ex was very worried about his grandma that lives in an old house in a rural location but she was fine anyway. The police invite us to eat, and we ate whit them, so we can ear how they passed the earthquake, they were worried about a friend that passes the earthquake in the frontier whit argentina in an observation post, one of them started to cry, because was worried about her family, he couldn't talk to them because nobody answered the phone. In the house of the local police we could listen to the radio, and we heard that Parral, the nearest location, was under chaos, so we decided not to move till the tings were more peaceful. We stay three more days at Bullileo to the arrive of my father, that came to us in the car to carry us to Santiago. It was like a 10 hours travel because the bad state of the highway. Once in the house we could know about our family, nobody of us suffer mayor consequences.

about my cat

I have a cat; it’s called Frunhilda, a.k.a. Fruni. It’s a very special animal, first of all, because was the only who survive of their brothers, the other all died after born when the days go by. He is premature by, I think, a week if I remember good. We take care a lot of she when was a little kitty. Her mother, called Kali (like the indian goddess) was my first cat, but she left the house after Fruni’s birth, she hated Fruni, and there was a time that Kali punched Fruni and bites her all the time, don’t know well why, but a vet told us that the animals feel reject when are non-wellborn; now she lives whit a neighbour near my house, my neighbour is an old woman who lives alone, so she tell me that Kali makes her company, I’m good whit that because Kali doesn’t fight anymore whit her daughter. When the time passed, we could saw that Fruni doesn’t was a normal cat, she have difficult whit the equilibrium, it was common for she for example to fall from the walls or miss the point when she jumps. Another vet told us that she have mobility issues, probably because she is premature. Anyway she doesn´t come out a lot, she is always in the backyard taking sun, and she also likes to get in a birdcage and takes her naps there. I really like cats, I really like Fruni. When she goes maybe I’m going to have another cat, or maybe a dog, who I could train.

She is Fruni

a special meal

The truth is that i doesn't remember any special meal in particular, or maybe is that i remember too much meals... this because my family have the habit of celebrate anything whit meal, like the soccer games, the birthdays, the good news, anything, almost twice a week we have a special meal whit my family xD. Well in fact, I do remember a few times that are specially remembered by me; not whit my family exactly, one for example was the last new year night, it wasn't whit my family but whit my girlfriend and a couple of friends, we celebrate new year whit a big meal in a camping, and it cost a lot of work to make it happens, because we hasn't the required things in the camping, it was a big labour to make anything; we were nearby Valparaiso, we had to make fire to make the barbecue, we cook rice and salad, and potatoes, we had a lot a food, too much even for two couples of starving young guys... also beer and other drinks. The next day we still have food and we kept drinking and eating. It was a very satisfying meal, and a really good evening.