The Future

When I was a little boy a thought I will be an informatics programmer, something like a hacker, I think that was because I love the movies of cyberpunks and hackers, and anything that were a dystopic future; I remember the horror of the movies like The Lawnmower Man, it was focused in the dangers of the technology, other movie that I remember whit special feelings its Cyborg and Blade Runner; so I was very influenced in my vision of the future by movies like that, I tough the future itself will be apocalyptic, I still believe a little that. Anyway, according the time was running, I decided to study philosophy, but that doesn’t end well. Now I think it will be a triumph to end the career and be a Geographer, I hope to find a job in a good institution, and travel a lot, maybe live in the south, I really like the south of Chile, I think that live in Coyhaique or Punta Arenas will be a very successful future for me, and whit that I’m going to be happy. But one never knows what the future want from us, so I really like to travel, if I can travel enough I thing I will be happy in any thing that I could do. I actually don’t think in children because I don’t think that the world is going to improve, maybe if I see positive changes in the world I could imagine a life whit a child.

 Blade Runner's City

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