Silver's Lagoon

Two years ago on February I went whit a friend to Laguna la Plata (Silver Lake?), it is a lagoon near from San Fabian de Alico, in the region of Bio Bio. To arrive there you must ask someone to left you at the beginning of the rise and walk through the forest and side a rill by a trail. After a walk of 6 hours roughly you arrive to this wonderful lagoon, rounded by two picks of granite and quiet waters. The night there is amazing; you can enjoy seeing the stars a lot of time and never is going to be boring, and taking baths in the lagoon at any time you want, also, other people comes there so you can know each other and share some conversation whit them. When I went there I stay about one week, but I would like to stay more, the time pass really fast when you enjoy too mucho. I really enjoy it because it’s like a paradise to take night pictures and make some hiking, for the day you can swim in the lake and no one is going to bother you; in general I like this kind of places because they function like liberated spaces and the people can relax and coexist very well without the rules of the city; no one wants to bother anyone. 

I left you two pictures I took of this wonderful place.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi
    Sounds like a great place to rest I didn’t know it.
    Do you have a map or more reference about this place?
    See you?
