About a Job i would like to have

When I was a little boy I thought that when I grew I would be a fire-fighter, that’s a common dream in childhood I think. Anyway, when I became a little older, I have an encounter whit the technology, and I thought that it would be awesome to be a hacker, like in the movie Hackers, Swordfish or eXistenZ, lately I discover that I didn’t have really expertise in the informatics. Finally in this time I would like a really calm job in a beautiful, like ranger in a forest or to be in charge of a protected area. I would like to work in a beautiful and quiet place. I think this kind of jobs permits a lot of free time, in the middle of nowhere maybe I would have a lot of time to take pictures of animals and landscapes, make trails and watch the place, to take care it. I expect that like a geographer I can do that, maybe I will be a little overqualified for non-responsible works jaja, but anyways I can take a job with more responsibilities. I think this kind of job would be perfect because its quiet and relaxing, far away from the city, that I really think that is a creator of angry and stressed people. Other way that I can found a job like that is becoming an investigator of natural places, maybe would be a good idea, but implies more work and responsibilities, I don’t like if I want that… finally I think, I didn’t like to much the idea of to work in anything.

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