About a Job i would like to have

When I was a little boy I thought that when I grew I would be a fire-fighter, that’s a common dream in childhood I think. Anyway, when I became a little older, I have an encounter whit the technology, and I thought that it would be awesome to be a hacker, like in the movie Hackers, Swordfish or eXistenZ, lately I discover that I didn’t have really expertise in the informatics. Finally in this time I would like a really calm job in a beautiful, like ranger in a forest or to be in charge of a protected area. I would like to work in a beautiful and quiet place. I think this kind of jobs permits a lot of free time, in the middle of nowhere maybe I would have a lot of time to take pictures of animals and landscapes, make trails and watch the place, to take care it. I expect that like a geographer I can do that, maybe I will be a little overqualified for non-responsible works jaja, but anyways I can take a job with more responsibilities. I think this kind of job would be perfect because its quiet and relaxing, far away from the city, that I really think that is a creator of angry and stressed people. Other way that I can found a job like that is becoming an investigator of natural places, maybe would be a good idea, but implies more work and responsibilities, I don’t like if I want that… finally I think, I didn’t like to much the idea of to work in anything.

A travel between the forests of Chiloé

One of my most remembered travels is one that I made to the park Tantauco, in Chiloé. We stay in Chiloé about a month, but the walk through that specific place was unforgettable. We spend about five days between the beginning of the trail in Chaiguata, to the final point in Inio, it doesn’t have any road that connect the two points, so the only way to go to Inio is through the trail in a five days walk or taking a boat from Quellón that delay  about 6-8 hours.  I go tho that place whit three other friends, was an amazing travel, because between the two named points there was refuges that we can use in very beautiful places. Anyway, one of the most remembered things in that place is that to make the trail was very very difficult, because there was path that requires a high fiscal condition, and no one of us had it.  Some trails between rest points had like 20km of distance in a very difficult terrain. Anyway finally we arrive to Inio after pass for many lakes and rivers, we saw some Púdus, and enjoyed the night view. In Inio we knew the local teacher, a professor thar has about 5 students, a very nice woman, also we knew a pair of girls that was traveling whit their fathers in sailing boat.

This is the entrance to Chaiguata

Defending the territory: a little local fight

Hi everybody, in this post we can write about anything, so I’m going to write about a conflict that is happening nowadays near my house. It’s about a problem between the citizens and the local government that want to use a green area that used to be use by the people of the sector. So the people claims that the green area belongs to them, because they have the ownership, by the municipality says that the paper of property it isn’t valid, so they can do whatever they want, in this case they want to give the terrain to an institution for the realization of a project that wants to make social dwellings, very low cost houses in a place that is in social risk, this can significant more problems because that space is the only green area that the neighbour have, and the density of population is high today, and it will be more high if the build more social dwelling. The place is about 5000m2 so isn’t a big big place anyway for a super big project, the people says that the local government was bought by the estate agency. At the moment the people are organizing local reunions informing more and more citizens about the problem the last Saturday were a reunion for talk about that and present the case to the community, they are looking for legal resources and the support of political institutions and anything that can help to defend their territory. I hope the people wins this, because they really need spaces for recreation, moreover in a place exposed at social risk is really necessary to have this kind of places that invite to the cohabitation of people.